Monday, September 20, 2004

Never Forget Who is Responsible

I am truly disturbed that we have all forgotten something important. While we can agree that Saddam Hussain was a bad guy, the constant refrain of America and the world being more safe and secure is a LIE! I see over a thousand soldiers from this country who would not have died otherwise, and thousands more from other countries have died in various attacks, in various countries, by various entities. Every day brave American men and women return to this country dead due to our President's choice to overthrow a despotic regime. I fear for my neighbor's oldest who will soon be 18 and therefore will be eligible when the draft is reinstated.

Be the first one on your block to have your boy come home in a box

Click here to pay your respects to America's fallen heroes
Please be horrified at what the Bush Administration doesn't want you to see or think about.

Click Here to See Who is Responsible for Their Deaths

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